jeudi 9 octobre 2014

Titanic aux enchères

Cette carte postale, écrite par Elise Lurette, une des rescapées du Titanic,  est une des pièces mises en vente aux enchères prochainement 

le menu du repas servi deux jours avant  le tragique naufrage

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

en plongée avec "Artful"

Plongée inaugurale pour le sous-marin "Artful", de la classe Astute, pour la Royal Navy

Artful, the third Astute class submarine being built by BAE Systems for the Royal Navy, has successfully completed her first ever dive - a landmark milestone in preparation for sea trials next year.

This operation, known as the ‘trim and incline test', took place over two days, to prove the submarine's safety and stability in the water. The maiden dive was undertaken in the dock on BAE Systems' site in Barrow-in-Furness and involved a team of 80 highly-skilled personnel, including naval architects, engineers and Royal Navy crew members.

vendredi 3 octobre 2014

aquaculture avec Lockheed martin

A mobile fish pen system, developed by Lockheed Martin, constantly moves along the ocean's surface, in waters over 12,000 ft deep, working to solve the potential problems of impacts on water quality or impacts on the seafloor. The system operates by integrating satellite communications, remote sensing data feeds, robotics, motor controls, and command and control and situational awareness software. (PRNewsFoto/Lockheed Martin) 

fabricant de bulbes

Möbius ship, par Tim Hawkinson